Tag Attacher Starter Kit, Fine #3 T-end & J-hook thumb

Tag Attacher Starter Kit, Fine #3 T-end & J-hook

Item No.: SP1LX03
Basic Starter Kit
Fine Family
Nature Solid
This kit includes following items.

  • 1 Fine Tag Attacher (one all steel needle is attached)
  • 1,000 T-end Fine Pins 5mm in nyon material, Clear color
  • 500 J-hooks, white or clear
  • 1 extra replacement needle all steel

Economy tagging tool. This kit is suggested to be used for sock, gloves pairing, packaging and tagging, as well as the sample specimen collection and displaying.

T-end Fine pin is Micro style 100 pcs in one clip. Load one clip and work 100 times, more efficient than normal one which is 50pcs/clip. They are all in Nylon material, suitable for heavy-duty project.